210 Press release containing reference statements attributed to Dr Pusztai during a ‘World in Action’ programme broadcast on the 10th of August 1998
210 Article entitled: "BBSRC Response to ‘World Scientists’ Statement: Calling for a Moratorium on GM crops and ban on patents"
210 E-mail from Dr Rebecca Bowden to Dr Stephen Cox relating to Dr Pusztai and Prof. Ewen paper on GM potatoes published in the ‘Lancet’
1 item Submission to Nuffield Council on Bioethics "Genetically modified crops: the social and ethical issues" comments compiled by staff
1 item "More Faust than Frankenstein: The European debate about risk regulation for genetically modified crops" SupraSensor paper no. 6
Monsanto "Biotechnology and consumer issues: where we stand" Monsanto "Biotechnology and consumer issues: where we stand"
1 item Umweltbundesamt "Ecological impact of traditional crop plants – a basis for the assessment of transgenic plants?"
53 mins 5 seconds video on 1 VHS cassette Television program - Equinox (series): Running to Time (episode)